here are the moves of the Friedkins

here are the moves of the Friedkins

ROME It costs a lot. Not only for Roma, also for Inter. However, compared to the Giallorossi since yesterday she has moved into pole position, ready to offer something more at a contractual level (Pinto’s offer is 4.5+1 bonuses, the Nerazzurri’s offer 5.5+benefits but that’s not enough: the parties will meet again today ) despite not intending to pay the 21 million requested by Atletico Madrid. But there was overtaking. Because now it will be up to the agents to enforce that promise made to the player, at the time of the extension until 2026 (which still remains in the drawer), to lower the price to around 15. And coincidentally 15 million is the amount put on the plate by Inter , albeit diluting it over three years. In Trigoria for now I’m in a waiting position. Morata he had opened up to Rome, enticed by the possibility of returning to Italy, to find his friend again Dybala (godfather of his daughter Bella) and being coached by an icon like Mourinho. But the prospect of Inter, playing in Milan (one hour from Turin, his wife’s hometown), playing in the Champions League and earning more, is inevitably making the difference. A relaunch would be needed, a twist that i Friedkinsqueezed in the grip of the Fpp, do not seem to be able to do.

Morata in Rome, the knot is the engagement: the first offer presented by Pinto to the agent is not enough


Roma have been chasing since yesterday, knowing that Marotta now has the ball in hand. Lukaku’s sensational turnaround messed up Pinto’s plans as he thought he was the only candidate in the race for the Spaniard. In two days, however, everything changed. The feeling, supported by the operations carried out so far, is that the club is not in a position to choose its own objective. Or rather, it can do it, but only by skimming the best opportunities which are often made redundant by a big company or luxury independents. A scenario that inevitably reopens slopes that have never been closed. Primarily Scamscored in West Ham’s friendly against Tottenham.

Morata and Scamacca in Rome together is it possible? Mourinho’s choice, the costs of the two operations and the formulas: here’s what we know

The blue has long been open to a return, he has a general agreement with Roma but the English club doesn’t think about giving him on loan at all. Also because he doesn’t need liquidity (he recently collected 106 million for Rice) and the center forward cost him only a year ago the beauty of 36 million plus 6 in bonuses. Roma must ingenuity, make an extra effort. The idea is to propose a loan with an obligation to buy at 25 million, a sum that in June 2024 would allow the Hammers to even make a capital gain. Meanwhile in Trigoria the Abraham card, which continues to have an important appeal in the Premier League, would have to be played on the market. But we must do it soon. Whether it’s Scamacca or Morata, there is one month left before the start of the championship. Also for any alternative leads: Okafor, Daka and former AC Milan player André Silva are profiles monitored by Pinto. He depended on Mou would go more safe used. One to Zapata or Arnautovic to be clear. But the Friedkins don’t like spending on profiles over 30. Who will speak little or nothing but decide everything.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#moves #Friedkins


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