Guides for four primary education subjects are validated

Recently completed the certification process for education guides elementary school in four subjects: Spanish, mathematics, social sciences and natural sciences, throughout the country, the result of which was 27,967 validations.

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The validation process began in December 2022 and ended on June 30, the purpose of which was to know educators’ views on their experience using the guides; also identify aspects of improvement in future editions and, finally, identify communication aspects to encourage teachers to adopt the use of the guides, explained Lizgay Girón, National Director of General Basic Education.

In the subject of natural sciences from first to sixth grade, 7,357 were validated; while in social sciences there were 6,340; in the subject of Spanish 7,454 and, in mathematics, 6,816 who result in 27,967 validations, said Girón.

He added that the educational regions that validated the most were those of Chiriquí with 3,798, Bocas del Toro 2,276 and West Panama with 1,696.

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He pointed out that this validation is necessary to analyze and evaluate the relevance of the guides and reflect the contributions of teachers in the new 2024 guides, as an educational policy. that guarantees the provision of pedagogical resources to the educational community.

2023-07-06 23:45:40
#Guides #primary #education #subjects #validated


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