Gastroesophageal reflux, not just acid: the causes that few know

If you often suffer from gastroesophageal reflux and you no longer know what to do to cure it, find out what all the real causes are

Gastroesophageal reflux is one ascent of gastric juices of the stomach which, going towards the esophagus, cause burning behind the breastbone. Although this ascent is physiological during the day especially after meals, if it occurs too frequently and for an excessive duration then talk about disease and, in Europe, 10%-20% of the population is affected.

The lesser known causes of reflux: discover them now (

Gastroesophageal reflux it is caused by multiple factors, some foods which therefore refer to what you eat and drink throughout the day and others that are functional, hormonal, pharmacological or even anatomical. In reality, however, it has recently been discovered that there are other causes as well of gastroesophageal reflux: here’s what they are, they concern social networks.

The more “technological” causes of reflux

As we have anticipated, reflux is also and above all caused by eating habits. Today as today, on Tik Tok there are many really penalizing diets in vogue and excessively restrictive which, as the study by the Allurion company specializing in food education courses shows, eliminates entire food categories by promising incredible weight loss: however, the consequence is often the appearance of reflux gastroesophageal. They all have iconic names, like the Military Diet or the Coquette Diet and they promise incredible results in a short time, despite a decidedly unbalanced diet.

The lesser known causes of reflux: discover them now (

According to popularizer Martina Donegani, the risk of following these diets is to end up with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia. Starting from the Coquette diet, whose icons are Lana Del Rey and Lily Rose Depp, this suggests consume a few hundred calories a day, completely eliminating both carbohydrates and fats. By feeding only with protein foods and vegetables, the stomach and intestines will inevitably be tired as they will lack entire food categories and reflux will be around the corner.

La Military Diethowever, is structured on three-week cycles, during which precise quantities of precise foods are consumed: the calorie content is always very low and, according to those who promote it, it allows you to lose up to 4 kg in a few days. Being so restrictive, however, in addition to the natural nutritional deficiencies, when you start eating normally again, it causes considerable stomach fatigue, with consequent nausea and even very insistent reflux.

2023-07-22 21:30:20
#Gastroesophageal #reflux #acid


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