Fly with us 2.0: How Two Women Found Friendship and Success Through Badminton

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Fly with us 2.0”, sports practice, badminton for everyone, but also sport as a tool to tell many things. Like friendship, for example the one that binds Maria Grazia Italiano to Valentina Avvento. The first from 1977, the other from 1978: they discovered this discipline when, still in the 1980s, they lived in Belmonte Mezzagno (Palermo). Then together they won their first tournament in Santa Marinella (Rome) and at the time they were only Under 14. The last tournament – ​​but just in chronological order, mind you – they won last April in Misterbianco (Catania). It was the Over 40 women’s doubles at the Italian Masters championships. Valentina came from Novi Ligure, where she now lives; Maria Grazia of Santa Marinella. Because then, in the end, Maria Grazia moved to the place where she won that first trophy with Valentina, got married, started a family and contributed to the growth of the very young ASD Polisportiva Azzurra Santa Marinella. To close (or open wide) a circle and tell, also thanks to “Fly with us 2.0″, stories of sport and friendship like hers. And not only. “Many new words are taught at school, but the word I would focus on the most is ‘perseverance. Because if you believe in a goal and put your commitment and passion into it, you get things done. Probably, if you are too much with a smartphone in your hand, it is difficult to take something and carry it forward to make it grow. So here’s where sport helps you ». So much so that she can even go back 25 years: “On the pitch, for me and Valentina it was like we never separated. We even found some old automatisms». Thanks to “Vola con noi 2.0” – the projects conceived by FIBa and financed by Sport e Salute – about twenty children aged between 7 and 16 came to try badminton with the Azzurra. «Twice a week and a few comparisons here and there with other Lazio clubs». “The sports offer in Santa Marinella is very rich – continues Maria Grazia – while we started just two years ago. So below to introduce our badminton. We are also trying to create a master sector, and in the meantime we appreciate the beauty of working with young people for their spontaneity”. Why choose badminton? The coach has no doubts and in her activity she is committed to teaching «a complete discipline, which enhances the value of sacrifice. Furthermore, unlike other sports, there is no separation between males and females and this contributes to sociability. Finally, badminton remains a concentrate of reflexes, explosiveness, reactivity, technique. Several kids from other disciplines come to us, each making their own specificity available, but with the will to develop other skills as well”.
– FIBA ​​Press Office photo –

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2023-07-20 15:34:50
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