Félix Lebrun Makes History, Wins Gold at 2023 European Games

Félix Lebrun wins gold!

It’s historic! Never has a French table tennis player won a title in a major competition at only 16 years old! Félix Lebrun adds an additional line to his list, the most beautiful, that of champion of the 2023 European Games in men’s singles.

A masterful journey

Entering the table in the round of 16, Félix Lebrun world number 31 showed remarkable maturity by perfectly assuming his favorite status in almost all his confrontations until the final.

Opposed to the Moldovan Vladislav Ursu, 215th player in the world for his first face to face, Félix played his game to win without trembling 4 to 0.

In the round of 16, it was the young Dane Anders Lind, world n°49, who remained on very good results on the international circuit, whom the Frenchman dismissed thanks to a solid performance. A victory in 6 sets (4-2).

To reach the last four Félix perfectly knew how to dispose of his opponent Eduard Ionescu, world n°117 and promising hope of Romanian table tennis. He won again in 6 sets (4-2) to slip into the semi-final against the Croatian Andrej Gacina.

Despite a better world ranking (n°28) the Croatian was unable to find solutions to destabilize the Frenchman. Sure of his game and determined not to give his opponent the slightest chance, Félix won the match 4-0 against Gacina, who was certainly physically impaired. He will forfeit thereafter for the 3rd place match. A third place synonymous with the bronze medal which goes to Alexis Lebrun who fell earlier against the Portuguese Marcos Fretias.

In the final tonight against Marcos Freitas, it was a difficult start to the match that Félix quickly led 6-0 in the first set, a complicated start certainly linked to the tension that such a final causes. Despite the loss of the first round 11-9, our French will react well and break free in the second to win with the score of 11-5. Well in his match Félix will win the third round. Marcos Freitas then reacted by getting back into the rhythm and winning the 4th round and then the 5th.
Back in the 6th round, Félix regains his aggressiveness and imposes a frantic pace on his opponent. 11-2 for the Frenchman.
And it is finally at the end of a beautiful UNBREATHABLE that Félix will conclude this final. The two players will go blow for blow and offer exchanges of very very high level but it is indeed Félix who will have the last word 13-11, he is champion of the European Games 2023!

Felix’s journey:

16th final:
Felix LEBRUN 4–0 Vladislav URSU

8th final:
Felix LEBRUN 4-2
Anders LIND

Quarterfinal :
Felix LEBRUN 4-2
Eduard Ionescu

Semi final :
Felix LEBRUN 4-0

Finale :
Felix LEBRUN 4-3 Marcos FREITAS


2023-06-27 18:38:58
#Lor #pour #Félix #Lebrun


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