Controversy Arises Over Mock ‘Haka’ Dance by Spanish and Dutch Soccer Players

Some players from the Spanish selection and also dutch They have been involved in the last hours in a controversy that they surely did not imagine that they would generate. All for a mock ‘haka’, the popular and ancient Maori dance that is seen so many times before rugby matches of the New Zealand team.

The publication of the video clips on the networks only made the criticism worse. So much so that shortly after the teams themselves were forced to delete them and FIFA had to intervene to request restraint. Merel Van Dongen, Atlético de Madrid midfielder, apologized in ‘The Telegraph’. “I didn’t mean to make fun of it, nor did I have any idea of ​​the consequences it would have…”.

Misa, Jenni, Salma and Laia, dancing the ‘haka’

“It’s a good lesson for visiting teams. I know FIFA is acting to remember to respect different cultures,” said Andrew Pragnell, chief executive of the New Zealand Football Association. The Dutch soccer federation argued that it was not a mockery, but that the aim was to “channel the inner strength of the players”.

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2023-07-16 15:16:28
#Controversial #haka #Spain #FIFA #intervenes


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