Club Brugge’s New Signing Victor Barbera Impresses at U19 European Championship

Wednesday 05 July 2023 – 14:00 I by Editors

There is always something new to pick up at Club Brugge. And if there really isn’t, they’ll take care of something themselves.

For example, blue-black turned out on his social media with a message about his new acquisition Victor Barbera. The young Spaniard is currently working at the U19 European Championship and scored the second Spanish goal in the opening match against Iceland.

Immediately good for the winning goal, because in the end it became 1-2. To the great joy of the people of Bruges, Barbera has lived up to his reputation as a goal getter. Despite the fact that he is only eighteen, Club Brugge has high expectations of the striker who came over from Barcelona B.

Watch Barbera’s goal below:

2023-07-05 20:00:00
#Club #Brugge #proudly #presenting #goal #getter #Football24


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