Chicago Bulls Bolster Outside Game with Defensive Forward Torrey Craig

Chicago Bulls reinforces its outside game with Torrey Craiga defensive forward who last season, with the Phoenix Suns, offered his best numbers from the 3-point line.

The member of ESPN has reported the agreement first Adrian Wojnarowski.

The deal is for a couple of seasons, the second of which is a player option.

Craig, 32, was not drafted in his day, but he has already accumulated 6 seasons in the NBA, having gone through Denver, Milwaukee, Phoenix (in two stages) and Indiana.

Last season he played with the Suns. He played 79 regular season games in which he averaged 7.4 points and 5.4 rebounds, with 39.5% success from 3-pointers.

2023-07-03 19:49:51
#Chicago #Bulls #reinforces #Torrey #Craig


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