Caribbean Storm Islands Defeat Armenian Coffee Growers, Keeping Series Alive

Caribbean Storm Islands Defeat Armenian Coffee Growers, Keeping Series Alive

This Friday the third game of the series was played between Caribbean Storm Islands and Armenian Coffee Growerscorresponding to the end of the Professional Basketball League 2023. The Quindianos won at home by score of 82-73which leads the definition to a fourth game.

The duel was played in the Ruben Dario Quintero Coliseum of Rionegro, where the coffee team acts as local, after the first two games in the Ginny Bay of San Andres. Both ended with victory for the islanders, who sought to close the series.

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Caribbean Storm started better in the first quarter thanks to the work of players like Romario Roque and the american Dominique Morrison. However, Cafeteros managed to close the gap in the next quarter based on his effectiveness in the launches of triples.

In this way, the San Andres quintet left with a 39-34 advantage at halftime, although the script began to change after the break.

the quindianos they continued with their reaction in the third quarter and reversed the score taking advantage of the good precision they had in their field goals compared to Caribbean Storm.

Everything was left to be defined in the last set, where the locals They did not let their guard down and closed the game with a victory despite the improvement that the Sanandresans showed in the final stretch of the game.

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Despite the defeat, Caribbean Storm go ahead in the series 2-1. The island quintet hopes to consecrate themselves in the next game, while Cafeteros will seek to lead the definition to a fifth and final compromise.

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2023-07-01 05:50:03
#Professional #Basketball #League #Cafeteros #defeated #Caribbean #Storm


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