Building a Close-Knit Team: Ronny Deila Aims to Forge a Strong Group Mentality at Club Brugge

Forming a tight block again: that is what Ronny Deila (47) hopes to achieve with Club Brugge. Because success is often in the small things.

“I feel that we are not together enough: there are groups in the group,” the Norwegian coach admits The newspapaer. “And it’s still too quiet. We need to communicate more. On the other hand, you cannot forge a close-knit group when your core counts 26 or 27 players. When five men watch from the stands every week, it is difficult to build a healthy dressing room. We still have to correct that.”

Deila talks about the Belfius Basecamp, Club’s training complex, among other things. “You can walk around there all day without talking to anyone. Rik (De Mil, ed.) introduced the shared breakfast last season. We are now building on that. It’s the little things that can mean a lot. You’re not on your comfort in a place where you can’t be yourself. Such a training complex can become a lonely environment.”

The coach therefore wants to create a real group feeling within the core. “Eating together, getting to know each other better, creating a group feeling. Learn to trust each other and become a real gang. Because how else do you build a team on the field? When the team is good, everyone can shine. If we’re shit, no one can. We need to create an atmosphere where everyone fights for each other.”


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