BC Malmedy Summer Badminton Tournament Surpasses 400 Registrations Once Again

Once again, BC Malmedy has passed the 400 registered mark for its summer badminton tournament. We remember: this great meeting of the “bad” had signed its return last year, after a break forced by the world health situation.

“For this 2023 edition, there were 403 and everything went very well. It’s a weekend that remains festive, with Friday and Saturday evenings” details the vice-president of the Malmedian registration number Bruno De Backer when he evokes this weekend of July 8 and 9, 2023. As a reminder, the participants come from all over the country and many camp one or two nights behind the sports hall on a lawn mowed for the occasion (“Thank you Roland” ). “One or the other distracted, who comes from afar, has also forgotten his bag. We will send him back by post to save him from driving 300 km (laughs).”

The members of BC Malmedy in good shape

In the sports department, many Malmedians have shone racket in hand. This is particularly the case of Clément Gaidier who won on the SM9 table. Adèle Desmedt won the SD10 category. The Nicolas Brasseur-Pierre Rondou pair distinguished themselves in the DM9 final. Same for the Adèle Desmedt-Evelyne Marichal duo in DD9-10.

The unfortunate finalists such as Jean-François Delges and Fanny Noël (MX11), Guillame Ziant and Natacha Domken (MX6) are also to be saluted.

Note: other players from the borough were also in the game. We think of Marc and Florie Petit-Jean of BC Verviers, winners in Mixed 12. Désirée Munster (BC Eupen) finished in the lead of the SD 5-6.

“The end of the tournament also marks the start of vacation at club level,” continued Bruno De Backer. “We will resume in mid-August, before welcoming new registrants in early September.”

The interclubs will follow for the few hundred members of the dynamic structure located on the edge of Warche. A BC Malmedy who once again shone through his inimitable tournament.

2023-07-14 05:22:00
#Malmedy #badminton #tournament #remains #benchmark #registered #Pictures


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