Bamito’s Youth Program: Attracting the Next Generation of Badminton Players

Bamito’s Youth Program: Attracting the Next Generation of Badminton Players

Monday 03 July, 3:37 pm

Do you miss the energy in the youth groups? Do you also feel that children are less skilled in a general sense? That’s right! This has several causes, and therefore several solutions!

Children play outside less often, but rather in organized sports! Compared to 20 years ago, children are participating in sports 5 years earlier as part of a club. The average age was 9 20 years ago, and is now 4 years. To ensure that we are not seen as a third choice sport by children, we must ensure that we have a suitable offer! That’s why Bamito is so important! Through the Bamito’s Youth Program you can attract children to your association as early as the age of 4, just like many other sports do.

By recruiting earlier and offering a suitable offer, more children choose badminton as their first sport. This not only creates a different energy within the association, it has also been shown that the parents of these children are more involved. On to more dynamic and lively training sessions!

Bamito’s Youth Program is specially designed to help you as a trainer and association to set up the offer for children aged 4 to 12 years. We have separate refresher courses for different ages that can be requested free of charge via the Sports Agreement. For ages 4 to 6 you can request Bamito blue, for ages 7-9 you can request Bamito green. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

2023-07-03 13:40:41
#life #youth #department


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