Amélie Oudéa-Castéra wants to put sport at the heart of society

A little over a year after taking office, it’s time for the first assessments for Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. Monday, July 10, the Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games gave an appointment to some 150 French sports players gathered at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (Insep), in the woods de Vincennes in Paris, for a seminar entitled “For a sporting nation: a year of action in the service of French sport”.

Objective ? Present the progress of the organization of the major international sporting events that France will host in the coming months: the Rugby World Cup (from September 8 to October 28) then the Olympic Games (from July 26 to August 11 ) and Paralympics (from August 28 to September 8) of Paris 2024.

But also, second objective, to set a roadmap to make sport a driving force for inclusion, social integration, youth, health or well-being. Notably “in light of recent events” – the urban violence after the death of young Nahel – as stated in a press release from the ministry.

A few weeks after her appointment, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra had, on July 18, 2022, clarified the roles and responsibilities of everyone within the sports movement during a first seminar – already organized at Insep – seen by many as a recovery in the hands of the State on an ecosystem that until then had been divided. Monday, it was not so much for the minister to reaffirm the authority of his ministry as to sound the general mobilization.

“In the space of a year, France will host two of the biggest sporting events in the world”, underlined the Minister, who also recalled that French sport has experienced crises in recent months, “sometimes serious in important federations [le football et le rugby] »which require “concrete and lasting changes to strengthen our institutions and our sporting model”.

The National Committee for Ethics and Democratic Life, chaired by former minister Marie-George Buffet and former athlete Stéphane Diagana, must submit its conclusions in November to “renovating the governance of French sport”.

Read the forum: Article reserved for our subscribers Amélie Oudéa-Castéra: “It is our duty to promote impeccable governance of French sport”

Fifteen steps

In front of the presidents of federations, representatives of the National Sports Agency (ANS), the organizing committees of the 2023 Rugby World Cup and the 2024 Paris Games, but also parliamentarians and local elected officials (etc. ), the Minister also took the opportunity to draw up an initial assessment of her action.

She detailed about fifteen measures put in place since taking office, such as 30 minutes of daily physical activity at school, support for women’s sport, the fight against all forms of violence, the extension of the public eligible for the Sport Pass or the 5,000 local sports grounds plan, etc.

It now remains to be seen whether these last two devices, with contrasting successes – relative for the Sport Pass, increasing for the second – will be renewed in the ministry’s 2024 budget. The arbitrations must be made in the fall, but a reduction in funding would appear to be little in line with the ambition of Emmanuel Macron who, a year ago, decreed the promotion of physical activity and sports. “great national cause 2024”.

The President of the Republic wants to take advantage of the Games to make France “a sporting nation”. For this purpose, the Ministry of Sports has notably announced the creation of a dedicated fund, managed by the ANS and supplemented by the State and private funds, without specifying the envelope.

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