Age is Just a Number: Meet the 77-Year-Old Football Star

Age is Just a Number: Meet the 77-Year-Old Football Star

As soon as Teresa Melo sees the news team from Record approaching, he has a big smile. After all, he is about to give his first interview as a football star. Yes, that’s right! Is that we are talking about the ‘9’ of the AF Ponta Delgada team, which helped to shine the first day of the National Festival of Walking Football, in Cidade do Futebol, in which the results do not matter and the winners are all those who enter in field. And Teresa is an example because she did not reject this challenge at the age of 77.

“I tried playing twice and I loved it! I can’t run, but the joy I feel made me try. My daughter agreed, but asked ‘oh mum, are you going to go on such an adventure?’. I just said ‘ah, yeah I’m going’. I liked it and here I am”, explains to our newspaper this star, who is part of a team that represents Walking Football well.

This formation from São Miguel has ten players, with an average of over 70 years old, including eight women. There are six in their 70s and Teresa is the most experienced. “At our get-together they asked if we wanted to try it out. It’s a party. We laugh at the things we do and it gives us great joy. Nobody says we’re that age”, she shoots. It’s true, Theresa. And even!

Prof. Neca was one of the well-known faces to play at the event.

Taking people out of loneliness in front of the TV

While several games were taking place at Cidade do Futebol (the event ends today), Libério Câmara, director of AF Ponta Delgada, explained to us how this very special team was formed. “There are people who are at home for hours on end watching television, often alone. We want to get them out of the house and put them to exercise as much as possible”, he said, before highlighting the main objective which, it should be said, is more than achieved: “Above all, come and have fun. There is no classification, but if there was a podium of good mood, we would be there!”

They all have a place in Walking Football, as was noticed throughout the day.

Paulo Beckert sees a turning point

Who better than a reference in the field of health and sports to explain the impact of Walking Football? Paulo Beckert, team doctor and coordinator of the FPF’s Health and Performance Unit, played for the home team. “It will be a turning point in the way of facing physical activity. It brings this collective aspect and the FPF is particularly interested in supporting and promoting it. It shows that it is possible to play football at any age”, he told us.

More than goals, the goal is much bigger. “It’s to have an impact on the health of those who practice and provide leisure”, he said, about a modality of five to five in which, for example, you can’t run with the ball or throw it more than one meter high, while goals are only scored within the area and there are no goalkeepers.

The event had the visit of Fernando Gomes, president of the Portuguese Football Federation

The vitamins of Prof. Neca

Representing the AF Porto team, Prof. Neca did not miss the event. You can count on him whenever there’s a football! “The first big vitamin we can take is through the ball and football”, he told us. “Anyone who is passionate about football is passionate about all types of football”, concluded the historic coach.

2023-07-01 23:30:35
#Walking #Football #live #adventure #walking #football #Football


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