9th Edition of School Competition “I ciù bravo fanti dè Speza”: Celebrating Excellence in Education and Promoting Local Beauties among Youth

The 9th edition of the school competition “I ciù bravo fanti dè Speza” continues, reserved for the high schools of our city whose motor teachers, in synergy with the class councils, have chosen 5 students from among the most deserving in the sports and educational fields. The event curated by Professor Pier Giorgio Baudinelli and sponsored by Monbat Italy, active in the environmental field at an international level, has the aim of enhancing excellence in the world of education and disseminating the beauties of the area among our young people. Monbat Italy, with its president Nanni Grazzini, former president of Spezia football, gave the awarded students free tickets on the routes managed by the boatmen of the Consortium of the Gulf of Poets.

For the Einaudi-Chiodo directed by the manager Emilio Di Felice, the motor skills teachers coordinated by Manrica Traversi, Daniel Picasso and Alessia Bonati selected the following students in harmony with the various teachers of the other subjects: Francesci Freschi martial arts Novasconi Judo; Leonardo Migliozzi Athletics Spezia Duferco; Nicolò Morelli martial arts Pro Recco Judo; Angel Pena Ortiz Basketball Polisportiva Spezzina; Rosario Luidifer Basketball multisport in Spezzina. In addition to the excellent results in the various sports disciplines, all the pupils obtained a flattering average in teaching.

2023-07-02 04:10:45
#Deserving #Pupils #Awarded #Monbat #Italy #Ciù #Bravi #Fanti #dè #Speza #School #Competition


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