87th Edition of the Peach Festival Returns: Four Days of Music, Games, and Free Peaches in Castel Gandolfo

Published: Saturday, 08 July 2023 – Newsroom

CASTEL GANDOLFO (events) – Four days from Pavona to Borgo passing through Le Mole


From 27 to 30 July the Peach Festival returns for its 87th edition.

Four days from Pavona to Borgo passing through Le Mole organized by the mayor Alberto De Angelis with the councilors Francesca Barbacci Ambrogi and Tiziano Mariani, thanks to the contribution of the Lazio Region and the official sponsor BCC of Castelli Romani and Tusculum and its President Domenico Caporicci.

A big party with music and shows, games and entertainment for boys and girls, free distribution

of peaches, Castel Gandolfo sporting excellence award ceremony, musicians and flag-wavers and the traditional blessing

some peaches.

Soon all the detailed program.

2023-07-08 13:16:50
#Castel #Gandolfo #July #87th #edition #Peach #Festival


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