2023/2024 Subscription Campaign: Defending Our Dream Together

Week after week we sang our hearts out about having a dream in our hearts.

We chased it, we fought to reach it all together against all odds.

We conquered it and, hugging each other tightly, we went crazy with joy.

Now that dream is sewn on our hearts.

Now we have to defend it all together.

The 2023/2024 Subscription Campaign is starting, we are waiting for you at Maradona.

It’s worth subscribing!

In the 2022/2023 season they ran to Maradona further 1 million Of Fans to follow our rides in Italy and Europe.

On numerous occasions, finding a ticket to watch the match from the Stadium has been very difficult. Secure your place at the Maradona and, starting from Friday 21 Julybuy your subscription for the whole season.

The first days of the sale will be reserved for all Subscribers 22/23 who will be able to enjoy the promotion “Samples”, by exercising a right of first refusal on one’s seat and taking advantage of a discount on the full price of the season ticket. From Wednesday 2nd Augustinstead, it will start there free sale open to all Azzurri fans.

By subscribing to a new full-rate season ticket, it will be possible to follow Napoli throughout the season starting from 14€ per game!

We always want you by our side, because only thanks to your support can we defend the Italian title and fight to improve our result in Europe.

For you we have thought of two types of subscription:

1. FULL Version – 23 Races: valid for attending the 19 home Serie A matches, the round of 16 of the Coppa Italia and all the home matches of the UEFA Champions League Group Stage.

2. ITALY Version – 20 Races: valid for attending 19 Serie A home matches and the Round of 16 of the Coppa Italia.

The news didn’t end there.

For the 2023/2024 football season, season ticket holders will be able to transfer their season ticket to other Fidelity Card holders, with the same rate conditions, using the “Change User” function. In particular, those who will purchase the subscription in the Version ITALIAwill be able to take advantage of the ‘Change user’ function for the 50% of matches. Those who will purchase the subscription in the Version FULLthey will be able to do it for all bind.

We have dedicated discounted rates to our youngest Fans but also to the more experienced ones.

The Under 14 will enjoy the 50% discount on the full price of Subscriptions in everyone the sectors of the stadium.

Furthermore, starting from this season, we have also introduced the Tariff Under 30with a discount of 20% on the full price of the season ticket, valid for the sectors Bottom curves e Inferior distinctions.

Finally all our Fans Over 65 will enjoy the 15% off the full price of the industry subscription Tribune Nisida e Posillipo grandstand.

Another important novelty concerns the possibility of paying in installments for the purchase of one’s subscription in the case of online purchases.


We have thought of some benefits for those who subscribe to the subscription:

BENEFITITALY SUBSCRIPTIONFULL SUBSCRIPTIONPre-emption matches UEFA HOME GROUP INTERNSHIPIncludedPre-emption matches UEFA HOME ROUND OFSISI + 20% discountPre-emption matches COPPA ITALIA ROUND OFSI + 20% discountYES + 20% discountPrecedence 48 h matches UEFA AWAYNOSICChange user10 MATCHES*ALL*

*the change of user can only take place between fans with fidelity cards and with the same rate conditions

The subscription campaign will end on 18/08/2023 at 11.59 pm or upon reaching the maximum allocation made available by the Club, equal to 25,000 season tickets.

Sales Stages

The season ticket campaign will be structured in 5 sales phases. For the first 4 phases, we will give our Season 22/23 season ticket holders the opportunity to confirm or change their seat, first for the Full Version season ticket and then for the Italy Version season ticket. The discounts for season ticket holders of the 22/23 season will end at 11.59 pm on 1 August 2023. In free sale it will no longer be possible to confirm your seat or access the discounted rates called “Champions”.

Here are the phases:

PHASESTARTFINEPHASE 1 – Preemption Champions FULL – Seat Confirmation21/07 h 12:0024/07 h 23:59LEVEL 2 – Preemption Champions FULL – Seat change25/07 h 12:0026/07 h 23:59PHASE 3 – Preemption Champions ITALIA – Seat Confirmation27/07 h 12:0030/07 h 23:59PHASE 4 – Preemption Champions ITALIA – Seat change31/07 h 12:0001/08 h 23:59PHASE 5 – Free Sale – FULL and ITALY02/08 h 12:0018/08 h 23:59


Below are the tables with the prices for the FULL and ITALY season tickets






To subscribe to the season ticket, it will be necessary to have the SSC Napoli Fidelity Card (Fan Stadium Card). All fans in possession of an expired or expiring Fidelity Card are advised to renew it immediately by connecting to the following link: https://sscnapoli.ticketone.it/event/en/45485/90600215/fidelity-ssc-napoli

We invite all our Fans to acquire a Fidelity Card also in view of the sale of tickets for the individual matches.

We are waiting for you at Maradona, for another season to live side by side.



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