“We have a man in charge, look into other people’s houses to regain confidence”

“We have a man in charge, look into other people’s houses to regain confidence”

“Why are we analyzing Milan? Because it’s a lesson for us at Napoli.”

A Central Naples Radioduring ‘Un Calcio alla Radio’, the journalist Umberto Chiariello he chimed in with his editorial: “Today Milan is preparing to change management. If there was one flag still flying in the world of football, this flag was called Paolo Maldini. Paolo Maldini and Massara will be removed from their management roles and will abandon the team of a lifetime. Maldini, up to now manager, as technical director has made 3 Champions qualifications, a semi-final and a Scudetto. Maldini would like the property to invest more money, the property doesn’t agree and he wants to continue in the wake of sustainable football. Indeed, the thing that leaves us perplexed is that the Americans think they can bring to Italy a model that has a different scientific approach: that of data. Relevance is given to scouting done by databases: with this mechanism, there was a revolution in baseball, choosing players based on data. Completely change the way of doing business. A business model that is perplexing, it must be said that Maldini and Massara pay for the terrible year, a busted transfer campaign, with Adli paid 8.5 million, 6 appearances and 0 goals and assists. Dest, on loan, played 14 matches with 0 goals and 0 assists; Origi scored 2 goals and 1 assist, playing not even 1200′; Vranckx made 11 appearances with 0 goals and 1 assist; De Ketelaere made 40 appearances with 1 assist and 0 goals. The only signing is Chow, 27 appearances with 0 goals and 0 assists, but a good defensive performance for 8.5 million. What did Milan pay? A very hard line, losing different individualities on a parameter 0. Napoli managed to monetize 60 million between Koulibaly and Fabian Ruiz, two players who would have expired: a miracle, an extraordinary ability of Napoli. Baseball is made up of pure statistics, in football statistics aren’t everything and if Milan take this path it will be very dangerous. Giving more power to Pioli is a sensational mistake: giving power to Mourinho is right, because he is a manager, just like Benitez. If Ibrahimovic enters the club to assist Pioli, perhaps something will be achieved.

Why do we analyze Milan? Because it’s a lesson for us at Naples. We have a man firmly in command, a man who doesn’t need to sell, a man who led Napoli to win the Scudetto by far, who knows how to do football and business and will choose his new collaborators, but who doesn’t lose players on a parameter 0. Don’t ask anymore if Osimhen will stay, it won’t depend on De Laurentiis or Osimhen, but on the offers that will arrive. De Laurentiis doesn’t beat himself up: if he understands that he can lose capital, he will sell, but he has no intention of reaching a situation like Milan. The Americanization of football in Italy is terrible and we have seen it. The Americans have arrived and with their arrogance and arrogance they think they know everything, but they know nothing about football. I invite you to look into other people’s houses to regain confidence: this Scudetto party has also brought a large dose of distrust for the future, an atavistic evil of the south“.

2023-06-06 21:40:47
#man #charge #peoples #houses #regain #confidence


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