“We do not tolerate violence against referees.” Open investigation into Mourinho. Giallorossi fan arrested in Budapest

The harsh words addressed to the referee on the pitch Anthony Taylorreplicated in TV statements and increased in an unexpected face-to-face in the parking lot of the Budapest stadium could cost dearly to Jose Mourinho. The coach of Roma who pointed the finger at the English referee of the final Europa League lost against Sevilla he was aware of being able to end up in the sights of UEFA and the announcement of a disciplinary procedure against him arrived promptly, as part of a broader one on the behavior of the two fans and the teams.

UEFA opens investigation into Mourinho

It is difficult to hypothesize the extent of the penalties the Portuguese coach may face, but what happened yesterday at the airport certainly doesn’t help him, where some Giallorossi fans attacked the referee who was leaving with his family, an episode we strongly condemn » by UEFA itself, defined as “unacceptable” by the English arbitration body and strongly criticized by the Premier League. The Disciplinary Commission of Nyon (Cedb) announces that it has decided to examine Mourinho’s behavior “for offensive language against a match official”. Taylor is not explicitly mentioned but the reference is above all to what happened in the car park Puskas Arena. The investigation will also concern the improper conduct of the two teams and the lighting of fireworks or the throwing of objects by the fans and a decision on the matter will be taken “in due course”.

Roma fan arrested in Budapest

On the other hand, what happened at the Budapest airport is not within UEFA’s jurisdiction, the attack on the referee by some Roma supporters who, when they recognized Taylor, insulted him for some choices about which Mourinho had argued, also trying to throw plastic cups and a chair, without hitting anyone. The referee was also present with the family, visibly shaken by the incident but protected by the police, who today announced that they had stopped a Roma fan, an unidentified 42-year-old.

The Taylor case

The videos of the bad episode went around the web and did not escape Taylor’s colleagues, who took a stand without delay. “We are appalled by these unjustified and repugnant abuses directed at Anthony and his family,” Pgmol said. We will provide him with our full and unconditional support.” The Premier League also expressed “shock and indignation at the unacceptable abuse directed at Taylor and his family,” a spokesman said. Anthony is one of our race directors, one of the most experienced and well-established, and we stand by him ». UEFA increased the dose in the evening, vehemently condemning “unacceptable actions that undermine the spirit of fair play and respect”.

Uefa: “We do not tolerate violence against referees”

“Referees play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and fairness of the game, and their safety and well-being are of the utmost importance. UEFA – they wanted to underline from Nyon – will not tolerate any form of violent behavior towards them”. The British media have criticized the benches of Roma, but also of Sevilla, for the attitude held during and after the match towards the refereeing group, linking them to what happened yesterday and many commentators have invited UEFA and taken for Mourinho and the teams exemplary measures.

Abode: «Defeats do not justify unacceptable language»

«We always say: sport above all educates to lose. There are defeats that hurt, which we consider unfair, in sport as in life, but this NEVER justifies unacceptable attitudes and languages, especially on the part of the protagonists, who are also professionals ». Thus the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodion Twitter, on the day UEFA opened an investigation against Josè Mourinho for insulting referee Taylor.

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#tolerate #violence #referees #Open #investigation #Mourinho #Giallorossi #fan #arrested #Budapest


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