“We are in danger”: worried about their future, the players of Annecy say they are victims of an injustice

In a letter sent this Monday to the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, to the President of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo, as well as to those of the LFP, Vincent Labrune, and the UNFP, Philippe Piat, the players of Annecy ask to repair the injustice of which they believe to be victims. Annecy descended to Ligue 2 after the 38th and final day. Despite their defeat (0-1) on the lawn of Paris FC, the Annecy residents were suspended from the decision taken by the League regarding the incidents during the meeting between Bordeaux and Rodez.

In the 23rd minute, Rodez opened the scoring. A supporter then came to jostle Ruthenian Lucas Buades. After the stoppage of the match, the Disciplinary Committee of the LFP had decided to give the match lost to Bordeaux. This decision also indirectly condemned Annecy to the National.

“We are in danger and we would like to ask for your help and your intervention regarding our sporting future,” writes Ahmed Kashi, player and UNFP delegate from FC Annecy. “We have taken note of the LFP and FFF regulations which authorize a number of up to 22 clubs for this Ligue 2 Championship, which proves that sporting justice can be done. We implore you: do not let this injustice pass! »

“We could find ourselves in precarious situations a few weeks before the resumption of the Championships”

The midfielder reports on the precariousness in which the players would find themselves in the event of a descent. “We could find ourselves in precarious situations a few weeks before the resumption of the Championships, with a significant drop in our salary for some, or worse, without a club and unemployed for others who had a negotiated extension in the event of maintenance. »

Kashi explains the feeling of injustice that his teammates and the club are victims of, according to them. “In the 23rd minute (this is when the Bordeaux-Rodez match was interrupted) the score of our match against Paris FC was 0-0. If our match had been interrupted at that time, we would even have 46 points and we would not be writing you this letter! […] The Disciplinary Commission sanctioned us, admittedly indirectly, but sanctioned us all the same, even though we are not linked to this affair. »

“The players of FC Annecy and FC Annecy must not be the collateral victims of extra-sporting events that do not concern them. We are living through an injustice, there is still time to fix it,” concluded the midfielder.

The UNFP supported the players of FC Annecy, in a tweet published on Monday.


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