Victor Wembanyama Measures 2.25m in the NBA, Surpassing French League’s Announcement

In France, under the aegis of the LNB, Victor Wembanyama was 2.21m tall; here he is at 2.25m in the NBA.

Megalomania ! Certainly, yes, but not that… The most discerning observers will have noted that Victor Wembanyama, freshly drafted in first position by the San Antonio Spurs, officially measures 2.25m according to the NBA. It’s a tad larger than the size announced by the National Basketball League this season while the phenomenon defended the colors of the Metropolitans 92.

Admittedly, the physical trainer of the Ile-de-France club gladly conceded to his foal an extra centimeter to see him culminate at 2.22m. But why the hell such a gap of three to four centimeters after a simple crossing of the Atlantic. The explanation, rest assured, is most rational. In the United States, NBA franchises have become accustomed to putting their players under the height gauge with sneakers on their feet.

The record has a margin

The three to four centimeters gained by “Wemby” in Texas are therefore to be found in the soles of his shoes. A real marketing argument in the USA even if the NBA summons its representatives to communicate to it since 2019 the real size of its basketball players. At 2.25m, Victor Wembanyama will in any case be one of the tallest to play on the courts of the North American elite next season. The historical palm in this area still belongs to the Sudanese Manute Bol and the Romanian Gheorghe Muresan, drafted respectively in 1985 and 1993 by the Washington Bullets from the height of their 2.32m.

2023-06-27 08:46:05
#Wembanyama #USA


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