They criticize Saskia Niño de Rivera for her content about people deprived of liberty – El Sol de México

Saskia Niño de Rivera she has become one of the most identifiable activists regarding the conditions of people deprived of their liberty; However, the content that she makes caused harsh criticism against her.

Among his work, Niño de Rivera has conducted interviews with inmates, as well as showing his life in prison. He shares this through his podcast where he seeks to expose the situation of people who live deprived of their liberty, which has given him great fame on the networks.

On the other hand, She is also a co-founder and spokesperson for reinserts, which is described as a nonprofit organization which has the objective of reducing crime in the country through different campaigns. This has permitted obtain lots of followers on the web that also support the activities you carry out.

However, she recently became a trend after receiving several criticisms that consider her work “false activism”, because they pointed her out take advantage of the people who are in jail.

Asimos, they point to a series of comments with which they consider trivializing the situation in which people who are incarcerated find themselves.

What did Saskia Niño de Rivera say?

The activist told in a video that he has been in many prisons, because up to now he has been able to enter 147. However, what caused the most negative comments were his statements in which he stated that he did not know why people committed crimes if it is very valuable to have freedom.

“There’s nothing like freedom, I don’t know how people end up in prison, if they know that the actions they are carrying out can take them away from his family behind bars, without being able to experience freedom…”, he said.

But this was not the only thing, since while he was issuing these words he also showed several images and videos in which you can see some prisoners, as well as the facilities of what appears to be a prison.

“It is unfortunate to see every time more people in jail… and when they get to jail it’s too late,” he said.

These comments They were not to the liking of many people, who pointed out that they did not agree with what he was doing.

The critics against him

The main indications were that it is very difficult for the loved ones of the prisoners to enter to the prison to visit them, but she can do it thanks to her privilege, in addition, they assured that she takes advantage of this situation for her benefit.

“This girl can record private spaces (when the defense with complications can put 1 feather) without respect to its identity and privacy. What I don’t know outright, are the facilities that they offer to continue instrumentalizing people deprived of their liberty”, commented a user on Twitter who later added:

“The zero respect that he has for them when recording them in private situations can give me a good deal, as far as this type of white activism.

Another person specified: “An absurdity that trivializes the situations for which people go to prison. Do you really believe that a femicide thinks about jail?

Originally posted on The Sun of Puebla

2023-06-05 19:54:51
#criticize #Saskia #Niño #Rivera #content #people #deprived #liberty #Sol #México


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