There are options | Tijuana News

Although the dates and the net have changed, we have no idea when the school year ends, there will be options for children to participate in physical and recreational activities during the summer break.

The Institute of Sport and Physical Culture of Baja California announced that it will carry out the 2023 Vacation Plan, from July 10 to 28 of the same month, at the facilities of the High Performance Center.

Although it is considered a purely recreational event, a few years ago Inde began to organize it, among other things, to increase the material of the sports reserve, from which the selected ones that represent Baja California in national competitions arise and grab a ticket.

Not all of them make it to the Baja teams, but the ones that fill the eyes of the viewers that the parastatal of the sport has in this event do.

The activities scheduled for the 2023 Vacation Plan are in the disciplines of athletics, swimming, diving, archery, handball, tae kwon do, chutale and basketball.

They will also have baseball 5 and frisbee, disciplines that already have competitions at the national level.

The Tijuana Municipal Sports Institute names the Vacation Plan the Summer Sports Championship, which starts on July 10 and ends on August 4.

The activities will take place in the sports units Crea, Tijuana, El Rubí, del Bosque, Gran Tenochtitlán, Mariano Matamoros, Salvatierra and Las Huertas, which cover several of the city’s delegations.

As always, the most requested will be the facilities that have swimming pools, since it is what attracts the attention of children and young people.

Where they do not have swimming pools, those in charge of the groups will have to figure out how to play water games.

In addition to the name change, this time registration to the event will be free, since the sports paramunicipal obtained a sponsorship of many thousands of pesos.

Also the organization of the Zonkeys of Tijuana, the three-time champion of the Basketball Circuit of the Pacific Coast, will have its summer camp, in the Santos Meza sports unit.

In addition to basketball, there will be team sports activities such as panball, flag, volleyball and soccer.

Also badminton, zumba, karate do, cross, yoga, pastry, crafts and water activities.

The camp starts on July 17, to end on August 11, for categories from 5 to 7 years old, from 8 to 10, 11 to 12 and from 13 to 18.

Those in the last category can also participate in the basketball only camp, which will be at the same time.

The Zonkeys, by the way, yesterday opened the semifinal of the 2023 season, visiting the Rayos de Hermosillo in the Arena Sonora, the scene of the second match of this series today.

If needed, the next three matches are in the Zonkeys gym, starting June 6.

In the other semifinal series, in Guadalajara, La Perla de Occidente, the Astros received a visit from the Caballeros de Culiacán.

Coyotes de Tijuana, the quintet that will play in the 2023 season of the Pacific Basketball Circuit, Cibapac, has already given signs of life and for June 3 and 4 announces try outs in the Los Álamos subdivision gym.

There is no more space for the Notes, which come this far… for today, the precautions are not too much, continue to use a face mask and antibacterial gel, in addition to keeping a healthy distance.

2023-06-03 21:28:02
#options #Tijuana #News


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