The revolt of the champion: ASVEL remains alive

Photo credit: Infinity Nine Media / Ilan Allouche

Betclic ELITE – While the Villeurbannais were under threat of a semi-final sweep from the hands of the Metropolitans 92, they finally corrected Vincent Collet’s team in the third round (86-59). ASVEL thus offers itself the right to play a Match 4 on Sunday at the Astroballe (5 p.m.) and can continue to maintain its dream of a quadruple.

« Time-out ! » The dark look, Retin Obasohan turned to the bench of the Metropolitans 92 and, gesture in support, ordered Vincent Collet to take a time-out. Without seeing it, of course, the Ile-de-France coach complied. By slamming one of the dunks of the year on Armel Traoré, the muscular Belgian rear had just plunged the Astroballe into a kind of collective delirium (71-50, 33rd minute). “We are not going to ask Nando to jump over someone”he smiled afterwards. “Afterwards, the truth is that it’s only worth two points but this dunk gave us a boost. » Ideal for maintaining the momentum of an irresistible Villeurbannaise series: from 55-49 to 80-51, an incredible 25-2, without a basket in the game for Boulogne-Levallois, to return the match. “We stopped playing together”regrets Bilal Coulibaly. “Defensively, we weren’t together like we used to be and that’s why we fell in love. At half-time, however, we said to ourselves that we were going to start again and unfortunately, we didn’t. »

Dee Bost finished as the evening’s top scorer (photo: Infinity Nine Media / Ilan Allouche)

However, at the break, the Metropolitans 92 could be delighted with their situation. Despite all the contrary elements (DeVante Jones package, Barry Brown Jr limited to 4 minutes by fouls, an outside sector missing), the Ile-de-France team was only at -3 (37-34). “It was well paid”acquiesce Vincent Collet. “We had already shown our shortcomings in attack but we were still within our defensive standards. » The perfect position of the hunter, who would inevitably correct his mistakes and, therefore, swoop down on his prey. It has not happened. Boulogne-Levallois lost their only strength of the evening, abandoning all defensive consistency. “We hardly made any stops”sighs the national coach.

The Noua symbol

Already in reduced numbers, and also having to deal with the back pain of a diminished Victor Wembanyama (13 points at 5/11 and 7 rebounds), the Metropolitans 92 saw a phenomenal wave descend on them in the second period. Behind the leader Dee Bost (21 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists) and the blaster Retin Obasohan (a +/- of +33), the Villeurbanne steamroller set off, marked by an infernal intensity and crazy defensive aggressiveness, embodied by the unexpected Amine Noua, benched since the start of the series and evening X factor (8 points at 4/6, 4 interceptions and 3 blocks). “He was the one who asked to leave because otherwise he would stay on the pitch”points out TJ Parker, who quickly dropped the jacket in the second half, finishing in a white t-shirt. “Amine made 11 deflections, we need him like that. His entry was very good but it shouldn’t be the story of just one match, we have to continue in the same vein on Sunday. » Like the uneven dramaturgy of a series of playoffs, where the truth of one evening is very rarely that of the (two-) next day: yes, the Metropolitans 92 were “upgraded” (86-59, final score), by Vincent Collet’s own admission, but it is they who remain in the best position: on Sunday, they will have another opportunity to score their ticket for the Betclic ÉLITE final.


June 2, 2023 at 10:23 am

“Time-out !” The dark look, Retin Obasohan turned to the bench of the Metropolitans 92 and, gesture in support, ordered Vincent Collet to take a time-out. Without seeing it, of course, the Ile-de-France coach complied. By slamming one of the dunks of the year on Armel Traoré, the muscular Belgian fullback had just plunged the Astroballe into a …

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2023-06-02 20:23:36
#revolt #champion #ASVEL #remains #alive


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