The Encounter with Mío Cid will celebrate its silver wedding anniversary with record numbers

As he did with his hosts in 1089, the Cid will ride down again with his hosts from the San Esteban hill, one of the heights that dominate the municipality of Poyo del Cid, which this Saturday will relive the passage of the Campeador through those lands in a party that also celebrates its silver wedding anniversary. And that he does it in a big way, since the XXV Encounter with Mío Cid will be held with record numbers, especially in participation, with the medieval dinner squares completely covered for days and with more than 300 people participating in a u another way in the different recreations that will have the medieval camp as one of the epicenters of the activity on Saturday.

“We have already exhausted the dinners at night in which we have 400 registered,” confirmed yesterday José Manuel Lázaro, from the Mío Cid Association, who explained that with these reserved locations the capacity of the sports center of the municipality where the services will be served had been completed. . “We can’t absorb any more dinners,” he insisted.

For days now, all the members of the Mío Cid Association have almost compulsively consulted the weather applications on their mobile phones, pending the weather on Saturday. “It seems that the weekend is expected to have good weather and it is expected that there will be a lot of attendance,” predicted Lázaro. In fact, among the volunteers of the town and the recreationists that will arrive from the four corners of the country, it is expected that 300 participants will be reached and even reached in the different recreations.


One of the most colorful episodes will be, once again, the descent of the troops from the Podium of El Cid in which some thirty horses will participate. The equines will also be protagonists in the return of the medieval tournament, after being out of the program for several editions.

The party has moved this year to a space next to the sports center where the organizers have already completed a shaded area. These are two farms attached to the pavilion. In one of them, the shows of the medieval tournament and activities such as archery, which requires a certain amount of space, will take place. On the other farm, the bar services, medieval market and the tents of the recreation groups will be installed, in addition to other activities such as the flight of birds of prey.

The organization has tripled its usual budget to offer the best shows of the 25 editions in just 24 hours, for which it has used exceptional funding from both the Teruel Provincial Council and the Calamocha City Council, the main sponsors. To this will be added the usual help from the Region, the General Council of Aragon and others. Visitors will experience a multitude of activities and experiences this weekend, combining medieval and natural surroundings.

During this edition, in addition to the Campeador prize, the title of which has not yet been made public, other prizes will be awarded in recognition of their collaboration with the festival during the 25 editions.

2023-06-08 15:30:13
#Encounter #Mío #Cid #celebrate #silver #wedding #anniversary #record #numbers


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