The condition that Messi put on Riquelme to be at his farewell at La Bombonera

Although it has not yet been officially confirmed, Juan roman riquelme He planned his farewell party for June 25, to be held at the Bombonera with the presence of important world figures Bocamany former teammates of the current vice president in his time as a player.

One of the stellar guests and a bit the reason for the proposed date is Lionel Messi. The star from Rosario shared teams in the Argentine National Team with Román and their relationship is good, with fluid dialogue. Last year, when the National Team played in the Bombonera, the vice president of Boca gave him a shirt and posed with the PSG player for social networks.


2023-06-02 14:27:51
#condition #Messi #put #Riquelme #farewell #Bombonera


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