The Acca pommevicaine Hosts Successful Traditional Ball-Trap Event with Bow Hunting Demonstration

The Acca pommevicaine successfully organized its traditional ball-trap at Lake Roques. The firing boards followed one another at a good pace on June 17 and 18 to the great satisfaction of President Jean Cocchio and his team. At the same time, the latter had initiated a bow hunting demonstration offered to the participants.

The president of Asca 82 (Association of bow hunters) Philippe Dubon explains: “Hunting with a bow and that with firearms have been unaware of each other for decades. However, the first named dates back to the night of the time and was supplanted by the second for its speed, its precision, over longer distances. The United States quickly provided itself with a legal framework for the bow in reference to their history with the Indians. In France, it took until 1995 for the French Bow Hunting Federation to begin to develop.”

Archery requires a different approach. The slower arrow must be more precise to be lethal and it imposes proximity with the animal. The archer must wait until the target is stopped or in slow motion and blend into the environment. He only gets one shot! This practice therefore requires great mastery with a lot of experience. It is gradually spreading. It is estimated that there are approximately 15 to 20,000 practitioners, including 3,000 affiliated with FFCA for 90 associations.

2023-06-28 03:09:00
#Pommevic #Bow #hunting #invited #clay #pigeon #shooting


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