Ten days that will mark the history of Barcelona

El Barcelona the immediate future is literally being played off the pitch. The next 10 days will mark the future of the culé entity and the institution is waiting. The resolution of the UEFA about him Negreira case and the decision of LaLiga on the feasibility plan is scheduled to arrive the week of June 12. These are days of nerves and high tension within the institution.

In the Barcelona offices they are totally waiting. Any sports decision is subject, above all, to the fair play financial and obviously it would not be the same to plan a team that was not in Champions the next season. In principle, the UEFA could demonstrate on Monday June 12. The body was already marked when it started the investigation in March, this month to issue a judgment.

UEFA investigates Barcelona for the ‘Negreira case’

Ceferin It is finishing collecting all the information. There is still no firm decision, but we are facing the most decisive days. In fact, the Barcelona will send in the next few days answers to the 70 questions made by the UEFA about him Negreira case and, once he studies them, he will rule. It should not be forgotten that the body has the power to sanction the Catalan club for a season and leave it out of the Champions without the need for a court ruling.

Many folders, on stand-by

Sports planning is also pending the resolution of LaLiga about the feasibility plan. He Barcelona contemplates up to three different scenarios depending on the body’s response. That nothing can be signed, that very little can be signed or that the block can be reinforced with a certain margin. Many operations, not just transfers, are waiting for this response. For example, the registration of renewals, such as that of Araujo o Gavi.

Or also, obviously, the star name of recent months, Leo Messi. Xavi said yesterday that they expect a response from the Argentine next week. If there is no OK to the feasibility plan, the international will not be able to return to the Barça entity but, in the event that LaLiga if you accept the waybill, your presence is not guaranteed either. The still PSG player, this Saturday will play his last game in the Parque de los Príncipes, will have the last word and, to this day, his future seems close to Saudi Arabia. However, the club believes that the player will speak with them before making a firm decision on his destination.

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The culé team will close the season on Sunday against the Celta with the title of the Super Cup and the regular championship in their showcases but with everything yet to be decided off the pitch. LaLiga and UEFA They have the Barça future in their hands. It will be ten days of heart attack and nerves in the Barça offices.

2023-06-03 05:36:18
#Ten #days #mark #history #Barcelona


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