SUNFLOWER SEEDS. A GOOD SNACK FOR ATHLETES – Technical magazine of sport Sport Training

Sunflower seeds have been shown to be a rich superfood in every way. So much so, that they are the perfect snack to hang out with friends and family at leisure, but also to recharge energy before and after playing sports, thanks to the minerals, proteins, vitamins and fiber that their small size hides.

Help avoid injury

Sunflower seeds are known to contain rich minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, and selenium. These last two, in particular, help to keep the joints in good condition. This is a very important point to be taken into account by any athlete, since a sudden injury can become a problem for them to continue their physical activity normally.

In addition, vitamin B, also present in sunflower seeds, is revitalizing and combats premature aging. In other words, it keeps our body younger and able to carry out any type of sport without complications, as well as to recover better after making a great physical effort.

They are the best allies of the immune system

In the group of vitamins from sunflower seeds, vitamin E stands out, which, among other benefits, helps maintain a strong immune system. This allows all those who like to practice sports outdoors or even indoors, such as in gyms, to be less vulnerable to colds caused by temperature changes.

Contribute to sleep better

Resting well at night is essential to face the day with energy, but even more so if you practice a sport regularly. Sunflower seeds also contribute to the quality of your rest thanks to its vitamin E, which is essential for melatonin, one of the hormones that the human body generates during sleep. Maintaining good levels of melatonin helps to fall asleep better and rest better and, therefore, to feel with enough energy to face an exercise routine.

They are a source of energy

In addition to having rested well at night, it is added that sunflower seeds have unsaturated fats that provide even more energy and contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is great for producing serotonin. This makes us feel happy and with vitality to practice sports, with which, in turn, more endorphins are generated, which continue to cause a feeling of well-being, even hours after practicing it. In short, sunflower seeds and sports form a vicious circle of happiness.

They improve the quality of your training without the need for supplements

It is increasingly common to consume magnesium as a supplement before or after training, as it is useful to relax muscles and nerves and, therefore, to achieve a higher quality exercise. In addition, it helps reduce oxidative stress, preventing damage to cells and tissues. However, consuming sunflower seeds, additional supplements are not needed, since these are themselves a source of magnesium.

How many pipes to eat a day?

Sunflower seeds are so delicious that sometimes it can be difficult to stop eating them, but their consumption must be moderate. The perfect dose, according to experts, is 30 grams a day, plus or minus three tablespoons. In this amount there are 200 calories, which is indicated for a snack. In addition, with this amount, 6 grams of protein, 16 fat and 4 fiber are consumed.

Whether in the form of a snack or as an ingredient in your recipes, if you are an amateur or professional athlete, you will not regret including them in your diet. Your body will thank you!

2023-06-07 16:25:50
#SUNFLOWER #SEEDS #GOOD #SNACK #ATHLETES #Technical #magazine #sport #Sport #Training


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