Roger Federer Explains Why He Won’t Commentate Tennis Matches in 2023

Roger Federer said commentating on tennis matches just a year after his retirement did not suit him. At the start of the year, it was rumored that Roger Federer would take part in BBC coverage of Wimbledon 2023.

But at the end of May, Federer took part in a Q&A on Twitter. During this session, he replied to a fan that he had no intention of commentating on games this year.

This week Federer was honored in Halle, where he won the league title 10 times. He explained why he decided not to commentate tennis matches at Wimbledon this year.

Federer explains why he won’t commentate tennis matches in 2023

At first I thought it would be interesting to comment on the matches of the generation of players I played against.

I know them best. But becoming a commentator the year after my retirement did not seem right to me. Maybe I’ll comment someday, maybe never,” Federer said, according to Simon Graf.

Federer, who ended his career with 20 Grand Slams, for a time held the record for all Grand Slams. Then Federer was overtaken by Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic who at one point all three had 20 Grand Slam titles.

Today, Djokovic holds the record of 23 Grand Slam tournaments, Nadal is second with 22 tournaments and Federer is third with 20 tournaments. In Halle, Federer was asked if Djokovic should be considered the greatest player of all time.

What’s better? Win Wimbledon at 17 like Becker or Paris at 36 like Novak? I don’t know. What he has accomplished is absolutely gigantic. That might be enough. But I think that as long as Rafa is still playing, we can’t answer this question definitively yet.“, Federer said.

While still in Halle, Federer revealed that he still follows tennis and occasionally plays in his garden. But since retiring, Federer has only occasionally played tennis with his children as he is still struggling to regain the vigor in his knee.

2023-06-24 08:00:07
#Roger #Federer #explains #refused #commentate #matches #Wimbledon


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