«Referee Taylor not up to a final». And lists all the episodes in the crosshairs

«We how AS Roma we don’t want to question the merits of Sevilla, we believe that with our opponents we have created a great final, honoring the stage that UEFA offers us to the fullest. We don’t usually comment on this kind of situation, but today we analyzed both the most striking episodes and those apparently less evident and it is clear that the direction of the match from a disciplinary point of view was not balanced». As Tiago Pintogeneral manager of the Roma sports area, comments to Ansa on referee Taylor’s direction in the Europa League final.

Taylor, the referee besieged at the airport by Roma fans: insults and accusations, even a chair flies. “Change job”

The words of the general manager of Rome

“The penalty kick not awarded for Fernando’s handball is there for all to see, but our frustration doesn’t arise solely from that single episode,” explains Tiago Pinto speaking of Taylor’s match direction. «Among the various situations – continues the general manager of the yellow and red sports area – Matic is booked for a wide arm after a header with Ocampos in the first half, when Nemanja jumps higher and takes the ball: the contact is almost accidental.

If this was Taylor’s disciplinary criterion for arm misuse, then Lamela’s elbow at Ibanez would undoubtedly have been something worthy of a red card. Roger suffered a visible wound on the face with a large amount of blood, while Lamela was even pardoned several times by the second yellow card at the end of the second extra time». Then Pinto concludes: «We congratulate Sevilla for their success, their team fought hard, but I want to say clearly on behalf of the club that the refereeing behavior was not up to a final».

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Referee #Taylor #final #lists #episodes #crosshairs


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