Pre-book your tickets now for the exciting 2023 Korea Open Badminton Championships!

[여수=뉴스핌] Reporter Oh Jeong-geun = Pre-booking tickets for the ‘2023 Korea Open Badminton Championships’ will start on the Interpark website on the 26th. About 550 people from 30 countries around the world will participate.

According to Yeosu City, South Jeolla Province on the 24th, it will be held at Jinnam Gymnasium from July 18 to 23 as an international competition officially certified by the World Badminton Federation.

Pre-booking tickets for the ‘2023 Korea Open Badminton Championships’, in which 550 people from 30 countries around the world will participate, will begin on the 26th.[사진=여수시] 2023.06.24 [email protected]

Points will be awarded for participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics. A number of world-class foreign players will participate, and the bracket will be confirmed on the 27th.

Advance ticket reservations will be made on the Interpark website from the 26th. On-site ticketing is also possible on the day of the event.

Viewing is paid from the finals on July 19th. General seats are 10,000 won on weekdays and 20,000 won on weekends, and VIP seats are 15,000 won on weekdays and 30,000 won on weekends.

The preliminary round on the 18th is free.

[email protected]

2023-06-24 05:44:56
#countries #participating #Yeosu #Korea #Open #Badminton #Championships


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