Pistoia-Cantù, races 3 and 4: from the abyss to the stars

The playoff semifinal series moves to Pistoia for game 3 on the result of 2-0 for the Lombard white-blues. Cantù, not without some difficulties, managed to win game 1 in Desio 74-73 and game 2 82-68; to point out a decisive event for the continuation of the Canturine season: at the very end of match 2, an object thrown by the sector presided over by Eagles hits a visiting player in the face. This determines the disqualification for two matches of the Desio home field.

This fact seems to further compact a Pistoia that is so determined and never tamed, but which seems to have something less from a technical point of view compared to its counterpart. This is also reflected in the excellent audience present today at the Pala Carrara, which sees all sectors, especially the two curves, full. The guest sector, on the other hand, is occupied by a few dozen spectators, but for a valid reason: in fact, it is communicated through the social page that the Eaglesdue to a bus breakdown, they didn’t arrive in time for this Tuscan trip.

Net of this forced monologue, the Mayhem provides a truly captivating singing support performance, alternating swearing at rivals from Cantù and even more so at cousins of Montecatini in addition to the classic support for the players, from whom they expect to extend the season beyond today’s match. The color needs to be reviewed a bit, given the only use of a few small flags. This sour note, as mentioned, is largely covered by the passionate performance offered tonight. Participation was very high with a larger hard core than usual, also influenced by the very tense trend of the match. Among other things, a banner is displayed to celebrate Captain Della Rosa’s 200 matches.

The presence of the banner is evident New Guard Hundredarrived in Pistoia in the interval to give support to the red and white friends.

Another fundamental arrival for the progress of cheering and the match is that of the Eagles and some rossoblu patches from Montecatini, who managed to enter the guest sector only about halfway through the fourth quarter.

The presence of the rival supporters further enlivens the Pistoia crowd, who find themselves in front of a significant stimulus to give everything in the final minutes of the match: in fact, there will be a 73-69 victory which will extend the series by at least another match.

Unfortunately, a humiliating fact should also be underlined, which took place right at the end of the match: a young DJ (probably at his first experiences in the “sports” field) suffers a heavy dispute from the police, guilty of not having turned up the volume of the music to limit the vocal confrontation between the two fans. Only the intervention of the Pistoia company managed to prevent the heated confrontation from turning into something else.

This brings us to Saturday 3 June, just two days later, when the fourth confrontation between the two teams takes place.

The numbers are just slightly lower than in race 3; really appreciable, however, the presence of Old Lions Cento in the Pistoia curve and the approximately one hundred Canturini fans present in the away sector.

The trend of cheering more or less reflects what was seen in race 3, with the Pistoiesi particularly motivated and the Canturini dedicated more to supporting their team: another truly exciting performance was the one granted by both sides, with rhythms, decibels and attendances from higher categories .

The moment of greatest red and white splendor can certainly be obtained in the last period of the fourth quarter, when following a question and answer launched by the Mayhem, and followed by the entire public of red and white faith, we are witnessing a real bedlam which decisively affects the match. Another circumstance full of turmoil, that derived from the burst of final whistles dedicated to the sector and away team, after an intense confrontation between Mayhem e Eagles.

With the 80-77 victory, Pistoia manages to take the series to the fifth challenge, at Casale Monferrato on Tuesday 6 June, where it will then incredibly manage to win in front of around 150 Pistoia players 75-67 and heroically overturn a confrontation that saw them down 2-0.

The last decisive act of the draw will therefore be the final which will decree promotion to the top flight with Pistoia and Turin as protagonists.

Text by Edoardo Pacini and Mirco Civoli
Photo by Andrea Del Serra

Photo of Gara 3:

Photo Gara4:

2023-06-08 08:59:01
#PistoiaCantù #races #abyss #stars


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