Paul Pierce boasts of ‘rental girlfriend’ before Kevin Garnett

It is difficult sometimes to know if Paul Pierce is he being serious or is he kidding you, even though his nickname during the big player stage in the Celtics It was ‘The Truth’.

In one of his last public appearances, in a live program of his former partner Kevin GarnettKG Certified, Pierce He ‘presumed’ to be accompanied by a ‘rental girlfriend’ who just naturally introduced Pierce during the broadcast.

Garnett He doesn’t seem very impressed and continues to watch the screens until Pierce blurts out what may or may not sound like a joke: “She’s my girlfriend for a day, she comes from a website where you can rent a girlfriend for a day.”

The detail does not seem to interest much Garnett while Pierce he gloats over his comment. The former Celtics star appeared during the broadcast also smoking a huge cigar.

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2023-06-10 09:05:13
#Paul #Pierce #boasts #rental #girlfriend #Kevin #Garnett


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