Neymar, sex without discretion with his lover: skip the agreement on the betrayal allowed by his partner – Football

The deal on escapades has already fallen through. A few days ago the Brazilian newspaper “Em off” had revealed the conditions imposed by the influencer Bruna Biancardi to the boyfriend Neymar, authorized to cheat on her but only in certain circumstances: to be discreet, not to spend time with prostitutes, always use a condom and above all to refrain from kissing on the mouth. It was discretion that blew up the agreement: the lover framed Neymar revealing their relationship. The star of the Psg has posted on Instagram an apology post addressed to his fiancée, who is expecting a child: “Love, I have already asked you to forgive me for my mistakes, but I feel compelled to reiterate it publicly. If a private matter has become public, the apology must be public”.

Neymar, sex but without kisses: contract with his girlfriend on the methods of betrayal June 20, 2023

Neymar’s apology post after his lover’s revelations

The Brazilian footballer was framed by the revelations of fernanda camposalso an influencer, who she said she spent with Neymar on the eve of Valentine’s Day, a holiday that falls on June 12 in Brazil. “I can’t imagine a life without you, love for our baby boy will prevail and the bond between the two of us will be stronger than ever. I love you”. Thus ends the apology post published on social media by Neymar.

2023-06-22 16:04:44
#Neymar #sex #discretion #lover #skip #agreement #betrayal #allowed #partner #Football


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