Municipal Administration Addresses Gas Supply Issue at Axel Nursery School

Published: Sunday, 25 June 2023 – Newsroom

CIAMPINO (current events) – The words of the municipal administration – ​​press release

With regard to the closure of the Axel nursery school due to a problem with the gas supply, the Mayor Emanuela Colella and the Councilor for Public Education Umberto Verini, in agreement with the municipal technical offices, specify the following:

“We strongly reject and with the comfort of facts any type of charge with respect to possible negligence – they underline in a note reconstructing the facts – The first communication regarding a malfunction of the network that supplies the gas to the Axel nursery arrived ‘informally’ on day 21 June 2023 and, immediately, not only the closure of the structure was ordered but also the interruption of the gas supply and the start of all the technical and bureaucratic procedures for the identification of the damage and the subsequent securing of the structure not only to safeguard the users but also the employees and the entire surrounding neighborhood. In fact, immediate action was taken to collaborate with the gas supply body to identify the leak and arrange the entire system in order to prevent further leaks. At the moment, in fact, the work coordinated by the Maintenance Office is underway, which has arranged for the verification of the entire plant, specifying immediately that it will not proceed with the reopening before the plant is tested.

Any other communications, even internal to the Company that manages the service, prior to the date of 21 June, are being examined by the Administration which has not received any official communication before the morning of 21 June. If it is ascertained that the problem in question had become apparent before 21 June without being shared either with the municipal technicians in charge or even less with the political body leading the city, we will immediately ask to identify any responsibilities so that episodes like this do not occur more.

The safety of our young users and of the staff who guarantee their health and education is our first objective, just as the extreme professionalism and attention of the municipal staff is beyond any doubt, always ready and available to find the right solutions to guarantee a teaching in safety in all the complexes of the territory “, concludes the note.

2023-06-25 21:52:20
#Axel #nursery #school #clarifications #Municipality


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