Michael Arcieri greets OJM Varese. He will go to Trieste

VARESE – Yet another twist at Openjobmetis Varese. Michael Archers greets the red and white society e going to Trieste.

From Varese to Trieste

The news was published in the paper edition of La Prealpina. The best manager in the league (a title that was awarded to him by the Lega Basket Serie A following the vote of the insiders) will go to the Julian city with a rich three-year contract to bring the team back from A-2 to A-1 as soon as possible. The American property of Pallacanestro Trieste it wanted him to head the new technical project, while in Varese he was indeed a fundamental element, but still subordinate to the CEO Luis Scola. In Trieste he will be the one to make the most important decisions.

Amazement at Varese Basketball

The news would have been learned with amazement at Varese Basketball home. There was nothing to foresee an interruption of the contract, as also testified in the interview issued by Arcieri himself to Malpensa24 on Friday 26 May, just over a couple of weeks ago. Indeed, in informal conversations, everything suggested that the General Manager of New York he would have headed the technical project with a vision equal to Luis Scola’s five-year project. It wasn’t like that. Varese Noi has reported some indiscretions relating to a contract expiring on June 30 that was late in being renewed. In the middle of the discussions with Luis Scola it would have fallen the indispensable proposal of Pallacanestro Trieste that would have convinced Michael Arcieri to break the delay and accept a new challengemade even more difficult by a (formally) semi-professional status (the only professionals are Serie A members) and with a team made up of 8 Italians out of 10 players.

And now in Varese?

What will happen now in Varese? First of all we have to solve, very shortly, the node of the technical staff. The contract of coach Matt Brase has an escape to the NBA that can be exercised by Thursday 15 June. It will then have to be identified the assistant who will take the place of Paolo Galbiati (went to be the head coach in Trento). And the market? louis scola he will return to Varese from Mexico on Wednesday 14th and he will take charge of the situation together with the internal resources, above all the discounting manager Matteo Jemoli. In short, in the immediate term it will be done with the men currently in the club and with the links of Scola and Jemoli for the Italian and American market (Arcieri should have participated in the Summer League). Then Scola will find a new General Manager. With what times? Once the boxes of the NBA and Euroleague teams have been sorted out (more the former than the latter), the appointment of Mike Arcieri’s replacement could come. Which, it should be said right away, will leave Varese with an undeniable lack of technical competence and human empathy. As they say in the US, however, business is business and it is once again Varese that has to remedy an unexpected situation in the best possible way so that it does not seem like a stopgap. It would not be in the style of Luis Scola.

The choices not to make mistakes and the knots to untie

The appointment with the market is not to be missed. A large part of the outcome of the season depends on the choice of players in the summer. Mike Arcieri’s farewell arrives in a very delicate moment in which the company will have to play all its best cards. Here are the cards. What will be the “cards” in the hands of the company? That is to say what will be the best budget to spend on the market? This is an unknown factor that could have oriented Arcieri’s decision towards Trieste. We are talking about the agreement with the Australian group of Ross Pelligra, the renewal of the sponsorship of Openjobmetis, the naming of “Lino Oldrini” and other financial matters unknown to us, but on which there has been no communication from the red and white society. So, beyond the absolute confidentiality of Luis Scola’s new course, it means that they have not yet been made official.

Michael Arcieri goodbye Trieste – MALPENSA24

2023-06-12 13:15:18
#Michael #Arcieri #greets #OJM #Varese #Trieste


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