Mac Allister will sign for Liverpool and the transfer price will surprise you

Alexis Mac Allister (24) will soon become a new player in the Liverpool. The Argentine midfielder, until now in the ranks of the Brighton, will come to the ‘red’ team after starring in a great season. He has been seen on the premises of the Liverpool in the last hours and for the transfer to be made official, they are waiting for the medical examination to pass and the necessary documentation to be signed. But the price he will pay Liverpool it is surprising.

According to Fabrizio Romano, a journalist specializing in the transfer market, the amount of the operation will not exceed 40 million euros. This is a figure ostensibly below what was expected taking into account the great season that he has starred in. Mac Allisterboth with the Brighton as with Argentinaand also what is usually disbursed in the Premier League by players who have not performed as much as him.

Be that as it may, and except for an unexpected turn of the last minute, Mac Allister will dress in a ‘net’, putting an end to the rumor mill around his figure, which in his day placed him very close to the discipline of Manchester City of Pep Guardiola and that it has sounded for other giants in Europe. will arrive at Liverpoolthat this next season will not play the Champions League.

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2023-06-07 12:24:07
#Mac #Allister #sign #Liverpool #transfer #price #surprise


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