Lucky, formed ‘Fur Brothers’ with Jeon Hyun-moo → Became Unlucky (I live alone)|Sports Donga

Broadcaster Lucky gave viewers a big laugh with his ‘unlucky’ tennis skills.

Lucky appeared on the NBC entertainment program ‘I Live Alone’, which aired on the 2nd, and shared the daily life of Jeon Hyun-moo, who started the ‘Making Healthy Palm Oil’ project.

On this day’s broadcast, Lucky had a tennis match against Jeon Hyun-moo and Sunset Kang Kyun-seong. First, Lucky teamed up with Kang Kyun-seong to proceed with a 2-2 coffee betting tennis match, and even before the start, he kept Jeon Hyun-moo in check, saying, “I thought I was playing baseball.”

Lucky was usually good at badminton, but tennis was different. Lucky laughed at him as he struggled as he could not cross the net from the serve.

In the second round, Lucky and Jeon Hyun-moo became a team and formed ‘Fur Brothers’. However, Lucky, who is not good at tennis, made a series of mistakes and earned the nickname ‘Unlucky’ by hitting the ball accurately on the leg of his teammate Jeon Hyun-moo.

Lucky had a quarrel with Jeon Hyun-moo and always gave a laugh with a unique chemistry. Lucky, who had repeatedly made mistakes, showed his hidden athletic skills and gradually got used to it, and eventually led ‘Fur Brothers’ to victory and increased dramatic fun.

[사진 = MBC ‘나 혼자 산다’ 방송 캡처] reporter Cho Sung-woon [email protected] See more articles by reporter

2023-06-03 01:17:14
#Lucky #formed #Fur #Brothers #Jeon #Hyunmoo #Unlucky #live #aloneSports #Donga


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