LFB basketball: Maëva Marcq arrives at the TGB

A new recruit at Tarbes Gespe Bigorre with the young French international, bronze medalist at the U17 World Cup.

To strengthen its internal sector, the TGB is recruiting Maëva Marcq (17 years old, 1m98), a player from Bourges.

Bronze medalist at the U17 World Cup

The young Basque was at the Tango training center, and international with the young France teams.

She won the bronze medal this summer at the U17 World Cup.

Maëva joins Tarbes to continue her training and accompany the professional team of the TGB.

A word from coach François Gomez: “Maëva Marcq is a young French international who cut her teeth at the Bourges training center. He’s a big guy who joins our group with the ambition to progress quickly and be able to contribute to the professional team. It is a mobile interior which should find address qualities at medium distance. In the meantime, we will be counting on her to support the professional group in its work. »

2023-06-05 18:14:33
#LFB #basketball #Maëva #Marcq #arrives #TGB


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