Lennox Zimmermann – A 15-year-old aims high

Status: 09.06.2023 5:23 p.m

The Ruhr Games are back. From Thursday (08.06.23) up to and including Sunday, athletes will compete in a total of 18 sports – and that in the middle of the Duisburg Landscape Park. The event will be accompanied by various music acts and an entertainment program.

One of the stars on site is Lennox Zimmermann. The 15-year-old is already a fixture in the BMX landscape and has been measuring himself against adult riders from the scene for around five years. He is considered to be the greatest German BMX talent.

Already at a very young age, Lennox found his great passion, which he never let go of: “When I was three, my brother and I already rode a lot of motocross, but then also BMX in between. Here you could decide for yourself what you want to do and support each other. I think that’s cool.”

Lennox’ biggest dream: “Live off cycling”

Despite well-known sponsors and many supporters, Lennox would first like to successfully complete his school career before he puts everything on the card full-time professional. The deal would provide some reassurance should something unforeseen happen, says Lennox: “There are many drivers who eventually get injured and if it somehow doesn’t work out, then the Abi isn’t that bad.”

Nevertheless, Lennox Zimmermann is already touring through half of Europe and shows a wide variety of shows Freestyle-Festivals in front of large audiences to demonstrate their skills on two wheels.

Lennox was able to make a big dream come true in 2022. Participation in the Urban-Cycling World Championships in Abu Dhabi. Although the 15-year-old failed in qualifying, the experience on site was all the more valuable. Even if he has other goals in the future than just a good placement: “To make a living from cycling. That would be my greatest dream.”

professional career? Not easy in Germany

In order to realize this, it actually requires far-reaching support. But that doesn’t exist. “It will be difficult to stay in Germany”, says Lennox Zimmerman. As in many other niche sports, there is a lack of resources and offers at the national level, such as a training center or at least an area where Lennox could train. The opportunities abroad are much more attractive.

For the foreseeable future, Lennox Zimmermann will remain in the tranquil town of Lengerich, a town with around 22,000 inhabitants in North Rhine-Westphalia, and plan his trips to training locations, festivals and competitions from there together with his father. BMX isn’t One-Man-Show: “My father is one of the most important points when driving. He has been with me for 10-11 years, drives me and gives me tips. He can always help me a lot when I want to learn something new”. And what if everything gets to be too much for him? “Then I go mountain biking.”

2023-06-09 22:24:53
#Lennox #Zimmermann #15yearold #aims #high


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