Judoka Shirine Boukli Illustrates 85 Essential Techniques in New Judo Techniques Book

Aramonese judoka Shirine Boukli was chosen to illustrate the 85 essential techniques in a book on judo.

Two Occitans, Frédéric Demontfaucon and Stéphane Weiss – specialists in the No. 1 martial art in France – deliver detailed descriptions and advice to master and perfect your practice in “Judo Techniques” with 85 essential techniques to pass from the white belt to black belt. Already adopted by more than 15,000 people, the reference book is back in a new expanded and completed edition, with more than 30 new techniques.

For this second opus, all the techniques are illustrated by explanatory photos taken with two members of the French team: the Gardoise Shirine Boukli, vice-world champion in 2023 (-48kg), and Romain Valadier-Picard, champion of Junior Europe in 2021 (-60kg).

The author Frédéric Demontfaucon won the bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000 and became world champion in Munich in 2001, in the category of less than 90 kg. He is now director of education at the French Judo Federation. Trained as a journalist, Stéphane Weiss has worked in various media (TV5 Monde, Europe 2, Liberation, Judo Magazine, etc.). He is currently a journalist-reporter at France Télévisions.

Useful information

Judo Techniques”. Available from June 22. 224 pages – 17×24 cm – €24.95.

2023-06-22 08:38:52
#GARD #Shirine #Boukli #honored #book #Judo #Techniques


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