Italian Baseball Softball Federation

In matches valid for the championship poule this Saturday afternoon Comor Modena e Hotsand Macerataafter the victories in the Friday races, bring home two more victories against Good e Neptune 1945.

On the Modena pitch, the match remained balanced up to the bottom of the sixth round when the home team, thanks to a few mistakes too many on the mound, Henriquez’s sacrifice sprint and Bonilla’s hit, managed to score 3 points by taking the second victory of the weekend on the Good (5-8).

Hotsand Macerata remains undefeated and takes home another win against Neptune 1945 (1-8). The 15.30 match remains firmly in the hands of the home team from the start, who score 5 points in the first inning and 3 in the third, conceding only one point, in the top of the third inning, to the Lazio team currently in second place of the Girone F.



In the photo, a game action from the match on Saturday afternoon between Comcor Modena and Godo (credit Claudio Vecchi)

2023-06-03 19:17:35 #Italian #Baseball #Softball #Federation


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