Italian Badminton Player Mirko Carraggi Fights Back to Win Thrilling Match in European Games

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Carraggi had to chase all the way through the third set. He cleared two match points at 18-20 and eventually won 23-21. He dropped to his knees after the last point and a loud shout of joy followed in the Jaskolka Arena in Tarnow.

“I was behind almost the whole game. I brought out my strongest mental game. I told myself that as long as the last point had not been played, I had not lost. I conceded those match points and then you have to set the mind to zero, otherwise it gets complicated,” he responds.

Carraggi is a lot higher on the ranking than Barth, but according to him the Norwegian had come out of the groups “a lot fresher”. “He had two smooth matches in the last two days while I had to play until 11pm, went to sleep at 1am and played matches that lasted an hour and a half. I couldn’t feel my legs,” explained Carraggi.

In the quarterfinals, Carraggi will collide with Frenchman Toma Junior Popov, the third seed and last year’s European Championship bronze. “That will be difficult anyway. He is in the top 30 in the world (28th, red), has already won many medals, is super strong. But if I get to the quarter-finals, then anything is possible”.

The 23-year-old Carraggi has specifically worked towards the European Games, where badminton also counts as a European Championship. “The goal is to peak here. It is only my second European Championship, it is my first European Games. I would have been happy with a victory in the group. I have no words for it.”

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2023-06-29 12:50:57
#European #Games #Julien #Carraggi #saves #match #points #eighth #final #Set #mind


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