“I asked him for help, but he said no”

“After my mother passed away and with what happened with Dani, I thought that I would not have the strength to return to work. Coupled with the uncertainty of how all this was going to affect me in the media. I wanted to go to Paris butat the price that the apartments are there, I wasn’t going to be able to afford it.”

In this situation, Joana Sanz decided to turn to her husband, Dani Alvez, for financial help: “I asked Dani for financial help to leave Spain. Only for mental health “. What was surely not expected was the response from the footballer:” he told me no “.

“He told me that now he couldn’t economically. And the other version is that he didn’t want me to leave home. He didn’t want me to move away so as not to lose that contact with me,” explained the mannequin in her latest interview with the magazine ‘Vanitatis’.

A refusal that made Joana furious: “Obviously I I took it badly, because I have never asked him for anything in my lifeI have always managed everything by myself, and yet I have seen how he helped his friends and people he had just met in every way. That’s why it bothered me. At that moment I needed it it took months with my sick mother unable to work and I saw myself in the need to leave because of the situation in which I found myself, without being guilty of anything”, has been opened.

And he continued: “From then on I didn’t want to talk to him about money anymore, It hurt me enough to ask him for something so that he would deny it to me. I told myself that I had to get ahead on my own, so I’ve looked for a life as I always do”, has settled.

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“He knows that I have come to Madrid. He asked me why I keep moving around Spain if I feel so overwhelmed by the press. He encouraged me to go abroad, but I reminded him that I have my feet on the ground and I cannot go where I would like to. I couldn’t afford it… He replied that he was going to help me. But now I don’t want to. It’s late. I have taken my apartment, I pay for it myself and, thank God, I am coming out on top,” said the Canary Islander.

Life is now rewarding her with a most promising job future: “I have seen that, through the media, all this is not affecting my work and that clients continue betting on me. Now I have a project in Madrid that is very important to me. I am going to be an ambassador for a company that has to do with health,” she revealed.

2023-06-07 05:29:28


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