Huesca Badminton Club Players Alejandro Gállego and Raúl Bergua Selected for European Under-17 Championship


Alejandro Gállego and Raúl Bergua will be at the European Under-17 Badminton Championship to be held in Vilnius in Lithuania from August 4 to 12. Great news for these young players and for the club, and it confirms the great work that is being done with the base and especially with these two players who, together with Gonzalo Isábal, are participating in the European Tour with outstanding results.

Alejandro Gállego won in Slovenia and Raúl Bergua in Croatia and they have obtained good results in the international tournaments in which they have participated and which has helped them to be included in the Spanish team that will participate in the European Championships in August.

For the club it is a great satisfaction, as Ricardo Constante has always stated, and to see how these young athletes trained in Huesca continue to grow under the guidance of Roberto González, who is the coach.

“Not only for me, but for a club like Badminton Huesca it is a source of pride because it is not usual for players who train a couple of hours a day and have the competitive level they have is something that attracts attention,” he said in the microphones. from Radio Huesca recently the club’s coach.

2023-06-27 23:57:14
#Alejandro #Gállego #Raúl #Bergua #called #European #Under17 #Badminton #Championship #Sports


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