GARD Financial support for 50 young sports hopefuls

The Gard Departmental Council has decided to grant personalized aid of 1,000 euros to 50 young top athletes. A ceremony was held in their honor.

Supporting young high-level sportswomen and sportsmen and women in the Gard in the pursuit of their project and their performance and training course, such is the objective of the Gard Departmental Council, pursued for this second year. The community has chosen to grant 1,000 euros in financial aid to each of the 50 young Gard athletes, aged 15 to 25, and up to 30 for people with disabilities, in order to support them in their preparations. , their trips, their equipment or their participation in selections at the national or even international level, in 2023.

To make their request for aid from the Departmental Council, they must necessarily be registered on the ministerial lists of high-level athletes “elite”, “seniors”, “hopeful”, “young generation” and “national collectives”. During a reception at the Édouard Mouret hotel in Nîmes, these 50 young sports hopefuls from the Gard were honoured. “This evening symbolizes part of the Department’s sports policy which aims to support training in all sports. The sometimes high costs can limit progress, so we wanted this gesture to help you continue your training and reach the highest level.explained Vincent Bouget, Departmental Councilor for Sports, in front of the audience.

“We need young people who perform well”

If a few young people were retained by training, most were present to receive, in addition to a subsidy, a backpack. Taekwondo, handball, tennis, archery, rowing, athletics, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, rollerblading, judo, motorcycling, horse riding, dancing, table tennis, rugby… not to mention disabled sports and adapted sports, all disciplines were represented. Among the rewarded athletes, the table tennis player Lucie Mobarek, the USAM handball players Baptiste Joblon and Rémi Peyre or the Calvissonnais mountain biker Jules Rossel who is competing in the cross country world cup in Espoirs.

Ridoine Messaoudi will participate in the Paralympic Games in boccia • Photo Corentin Corger

And then there are the athletes expected to compete in the Paris Olympic Games, from July 26 to August 11, 2024, such as the sprinter Wided Atatou from the Entente Nîmes Athlétisme, the archer Mélina Tacussel from the Arc Club Nîmes and for the Paralympians, Ridoine Messaoudi from the Nîmes Handiclub who plays boccia. Of the 50 athletes rewarded, two thirds have already been awarded in 2022 during the first edition. “We believe in you, we are proud of you! We hope you will perform well and we need young people who perform well to encourage everyone to practice sport”concludes Vincent Bouget.

2023-06-11 09:01:06
#GARD #Financial #support #young #sports #hopefuls


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