Gabriel Heinze Reflects on Newell’s Performance and Home Advantage in Group Stage

Newell’s tied in the last game of the group stage thanks to an agonizing goal from Armando Méndez and Gabriel Heinze referred to having finished the initial stage as leaders and defining the playoffs at home: “The difference of defining at home is that we have our people”

Then, he spoke about the team’s performance: “If we had so many situations it is because the team worked. And I add: “I wanted the team to have the same operation under different names. It worked well”.

Later, he made a brief balance: “Of six that we played, we won five and drew one. We made merits in all the games to win them. So it’s extremely positive.”

In addition, he was consulted about the departure of Willer Ditta: “Newells loses an important player for the rest of these dates. But the institution wins, I’m not going to talk about this anymore. I told the leaders and the player what I thought.”

Finally, he spoke about Vangioni’s return: “It was good. Later, in some setbacks in the second half, I noticed that the passage of time was a factor to take into account.”

2023-06-30 01:17:00
#Gabriel #Heinze #finishing #defining #home #difference #people


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