French Open: Nick Kyrgios moans about ball girl posse

French Open

“Comparisons with Federer are ridiculous” – Kyrgios moans about ball girl posse

Doubles Miyu Kato and Aldila Sutjiadi was disqualified at the French Open because Kato shot down a ball girl. The decision caused a lot of excitement in the tennis world.

published6. June 2023, 04:52

Here the ball girl is hit by Miyu Kato.


  • Women’s doubles Miyu Kato and Aldila Sutjiadi have been disqualified from the French Open.

  • This is because the Japanese Kato, as she says, accidentally shot down a ball girl.

  • A famous tennis journalist makes comparisons to Federer, which Kyrgios finds ridiculous.

It was the tennis scene of the weekend: Japan’s Miyu Kato was playing alongside Indonesia’s Aldila Sutjiadi in the doubles round of 16 when Kato tried to pass a ball to the ball girl. But this did not see this action coming, could no longer avoid it and was shot down. The ball girl began to cry – and Kato was first warned by chair umpire Alexandre Juge, the supervisor even disqualified the duo.

The Japanese apologized, but rejected any bad intentions – and launched a big debate in the tennis scene. While there was a shitstorm for the opponents Sara Sorribes Tormo (Spain) and Marie Bouzkova (Czech Republic) because they welcomed the disqualification of the opponents, the experts are at odds with each other.

“Federer often played with fire”

Tennis journalist Ben Rothenberg, for example, also finds the disqualification exaggerated, but generally urges more care when it comes to giving the ball girls and boys the round felt. The American remembers Roger Federer, who kept joking with the young helpers on the sidelines and tested their reflexes with some pretty sharp shots. Rothenberg wrote: “Roger Federer often played with fire.”

That too went wrong from time to time, but never had any consequences. Nick Kyrgios, who missed the French Open due to a knee injury, finds this comparison anything but tenable. “Now it’s getting ridiculous” he grumbles on Twitter, “This is about the greatest of all time having some fun with the kids and giving them the memories of a lifetime.” That’s just absurd.

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2023-06-06 02:52:13
#French #Open #Nick #Kyrgios #moans #ball #girl #posse


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