Four supporters in police custody following the attack on a player who caused the interruption of the Bordeaux-Rodez match

Rodez winger Lucas Buades, in the center, on the ground, after being attacked by a Bordeaux fan, Friday June 2 in Bordeaux.

His gesture caused the definitive interruption of the meeting between Bordeaux and Rodez, Friday June 2, counting for the last day of Ligue 2. The alleged aggressor of Rodez striker Lucas Buades – who celebrated in front of Bordeaux fans after having opened the brand – was taken into custody on Saturday June 3, according to a source familiar with the investigation.

The police accuse this supporter, aged 45 according South Westto have entered the field, when Rodez had just scored a goal, and to have “pushed violently” the Ruthenian winger, who fell to the ground. The videos of the sequence show him posted at the foot of the stands, then passing without problem through a row of stewards before throwing himself on the Rodez player.

Three other fans were also taken into custody: two men, aged 29 and 30 according to South Westfor also having entered the field, and a last, aged 47, who allegedly insulted and headbutted a steward.

Concussed, Lucas Buades was unable to resume the match; also the referee ended the meeting of the 38e Ligue 2 day, essential for both clubs. In front of 42,000 fans, the Girondins de Bordeaux had to win to hope for a possible rise in Ligue 1 – if by chance Metz engaged in a poor performance. For their part, the players of Rodez struggled to avoid relegation to National.

Read also: Ligue 2: the Bordeaux-Rodez match stopped after the attack on striker Lucas Buades

Annecy could suffer from this aggression

The alleged assailant is, according to France Bleuone of the leaders of the Ultramarines, the Bordeaux ultras – who apologized in a press release for having “bankrupt” at their club. This 45-year-old restaurateur is also from Annecy… one of the clubs that could suffer from his gesture. In the fight to avoid the descent, the Anneciens see their survival in Ligue 2 suspended on the decision of the Professional Football League (LFP) concerning the future of the match. After their defeat on Friday against Paris FC, FC Annecy occupies the 16e Championship place – synonymous with retention. But if the LFP gives a victory to Rodez AF on green carpet, the Haute-Savoie club would drop one place, and return to National.

The LFP Disciplinary Committee will meet “from Monday to study the follow-up to be given” to these incidents, the body said. For their part, the management of the Girondins de Bordeaux filed a complaint against X on the night of Friday to Saturday. While defending the idea that the Ligue 2 season must come to an end – and therefore that we must replay the match and not give them the match lost following this aggression. If Bordeaux win their case, the Girondins would have to win by more than five goals to pass Metz on the wire and clinch a rise in Ligue 1. But the previous decisions of the disciplinary committee in similar cases have sometimes included penalty points in the standings, so the FCGB has little hope that this chaotic evening will produce an unexpected miracle.

The World with AFP


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